Woke up at 4 and had a heck of a time getting back to sleep. My body tells me okay, that's all you're going to get - time to get up. My mind says, uh-oh, you are going to be in trouble today with only 4 hours of sleep. I'm proctoring an exam with a student who has everything read to him - questions, possible answers, then I scribe his essay...and I think they will have me grading tests again today. Oh, Lord, I better bring pins to stick myself with. So I lie back down and try to hypnotize myself back to sleep. Worked after a while. I guess I'm supposed to be a dairy farmer and get up to milk the cows at 4 am. I can't imagine such a hard life, but there are plenty of dairy farmers around here. No wonder Chris, the old farmer next door, is so happy at Wal-Mart after all those years of running this farm. I was up at all hours when I had a lot of lambs coming. This year, the few lambs I had came at convenient times. The most tired I've ever been in my life was when I was taking care of my own premature twins. What a zombie. I hardly remember the first year they were alive. Speaking of twins, Twin B is having a wonderful time in Europe. Wish I could jump on a plane and join him in Italy...but have to jump in the bathtub and get ready for work instead.
Thouse lambs are so cute, are thy wearing sweaters?
Hi, Henya! Thanks for asking. Yes, they have sweaters on. I clicked on this picture because they are twins and I was talking about my twins. I knit sweaters for all my goat and sheep babies. They are life savers. The pattern is so simple any novice knitter can knit it. I'm going to make lamb sweater kits for the fall shows. They are also good for dogs!
Wow, and you said that you do not knit so much. This is so cool.
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