I let the sheep out as soon as I got home today. The glorious weather of the weekend held over. I sunk down into the folding chair I keep out on the hill, dogs on leashes raring to go, and closed my eyes. They had to wait for me to take a 5 minute snooze. Not that I had all that trying a day. We watched movies, played with a Wii game that Gretchen brought in, had an ice cream party, played basketball, and one of my favorite bros beat me one more time at Scrabble. (Oh, the worlds they can come up with - very creative). I think I was tired from the weekend. The blisters popped out on my hands from the nail clippers. Memo- buy a sanding stone and use it before Big Jim the Shearer comes again. I had stopped at the post office to mail Hannah's birthday present (it's the 19th) on the way home, but wouldn't you know it, I didn't have her address with me. I rode around New Berlin to find just the right spot where I could get reception and called her mom and dad. No answer at either place. Gave up and went home, but found the address before I got out of the car. Took off again for the Brookfield PO and got it mailed with $14 worth of quarters!! I forgot how expensive it is to mail packages to California!! Finally got home at 5 and closed my eyes for 5 minutes before going inside to rescue the dogs from the apartment. Back to our walk...I got up and took the doggies up to the pond. The inhabitants are wary of us now, after months of isolation. We hear the frogs jumping in the water as we climb the steep incline just before the water's edge. Pip is still determined to get one. Wonder what he would do with it? The sheep are not up to the pond yet. There is still grass enough lower on the hill and there are a couple of bubbling springs for them to drink from. Pretty, colorful wild flowers are blooming here and there, including a delicate white flower that looks like edelweiss. I have to start fencing off areas and rotating or I will be in trouble later on when the hill is grazed off. We made our way back down and I was able to admire the big fleshy sheep, getting fat on green grass. Lilly is as big as a barrel. I remember last January 1, when she was skinny and gaunt after giving birth to those ram twins. No longer. She's as big and beautiful as ever. When she catches my eyes she runs over to me for affection. I'll be so sad when she passes. She's got to be around 8 or 9. Her boy, Denzel, is just as affectionate, along with her lamb Lester. Levi and Larry and a tad standoffish. I went back in the apartment to lie down on the sofa. How deliciously naughty it feels to take a nap when I should be doing so many other things...but it just had to happen.
1 comment:
I hope the nap did you good. You of all people deserve it.
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