Hot and sunny, too hot to stand in the sun very long. The tractors are out, taking advantage of the good weather to get some hay in. Good idea, since it could start raining and keep on raining for a month. You never know in Brookfield with our "micro climate." Holly is standing over Bodie's final resting place. Matt had the excavator dig a nice grave while he was going the septic field. I wasn't home, or I would have had him dig it closer to Jasper, under the pine tree. I placed Jasper in a cave that Knut dug. He died in the summer, almost a year ago, and it was ghastly hot. I couldn't find my pick axe and I wanted to get him planted as soon as possible. There is another cave next to Jasper that I'm saving in case I need it. Bodie would not have fit in there, but I did want to keep my angels close together. There are some nice big boulders that I would have had the excavator put over Bodie's grave, but I wasn't home and Matt didn't think of it. They are in a pile by the road and I will never be able to move them. I hate not being here to run my own farm. Thank the sun, moon and stars that school is out in three weeks.
Hang in there :) Three more weeks and soon you'll have the grandbabies there too.
Passports arrived today!!!!!!!
That is right. Time is flying fast and soon all the teachers will be released from slavery. Mothers on the other hand... I do not want to think about it.
I have finally send out today your little package. If you think your post office is bad , you should see mine.There is definitely a good reason for the bullet-proof glass.
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