When the world needs a scrub, what to do? Make soap!! I cut up the Clary Sage with Lavender and put it on the drying rack. It has curious spots from the ground oatmeal. You never know how some things react to the blend of essential oils. I like it, and some people will think it's kind of funky, but some might not like it. I'm using lye purchased from Rainbow Meadow. The local market can't get lye in for some reason. It was really good lye which packed a punch and turned those oils into soap with no difficulty. They stopped putting lye on the shelf in New Jersey a long time ago. I hope they don't pull it permanently in NY. It's more expensive to have it shipped here, ofcourse. I made a batch of Lemongrass which set up perfectly and should be okay. All this took several hours, good for me 'cause I needed to be busy, and made a big mess. When don't I make a big mess? Got in from chores to catch the end of another showing of Sense and Sensibility. Oh, those dresses. Oh, those houses. Oh, that furniture. Oh, those horses. And oh, those servants who bring you tea and keep the fireplaces lit. I had a call from AJ who was about to take off for Switzerland. He and his friend, Mitch, will tour Italy then fly to Sweden. AJ wants to do some "roots" investigating. He's bringing a camera. I'm looking forward to the pictures. School tomorrow and shearing on Saturday.
1 comment:
Sound like you have been very busy. When have you not been busy? Keep this soap coming, aftef my trip to Manhattan today, I know, - the world needs it
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