I climbed the hill to watch the sheep graze from on top. What a view. Lush, green grass waving in the wind, bright sunshine, and the wooly wonders munching away. It was cool enough that I needed my sweatshirt and vest. Supposed to dip below 32 F. again tonight. Poor gardens with the tender new shoots will be in danger. I got some spinning done in front of the wood stove this morning. It felt terrific to be spinning in my jammies on a Sunday morning. We got Larry, Lester and Levi vaccinated and wormed before letting them out of the large pen they've been in with their mothers since birth. Wooster, my BFL ram, was in there with them, getting fattened up and spoiled. All the adults ran outside to get to the grass and only Levi followed them. Larry and Lester have been hanging inside and wouldn't venture out no matter how I coaxed, waved my arms, pushed, etc. I figure they'll go out with mom Lilly next time when she moves a little slower. I moved some kitties out into the barn from my future workroom and cleaned the floor. Can't wait to get that room painted with a tile floor and better lighting. The kitties don't want to be out in the big part of the barn, but they'll get used to it and be running around the rafters soon enough. I have lavender soap going now. The oils and lye mixture are cooling down, getting ready to pour. It takes time and can't be rushed. I'll go do evening chores then come in a finish the soap. There is nothing as lovely as the scent of real lavender essential oil....
I love your soars. I have pleased them strategically around the house and smell them from time to time. Lavender is great!
I love your soars. I have pleased them strategically around the house and smell them from time to time. Lavender is great!
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