Okay, so it's May 15 and it was so cold this morning I popped my carhartt jacket on when I ventured out of my warm bed and built a fire. I love it. Without realizing it I took Pip, Tanner, Jackie and Holly out for their morning respite and there was Finn at the door. I forgot he was loose in the barn. Oh, NO, we'll have a fight I thought. Finn was okay, just excited to see us, and I ran by and through the milk room door and outside. The White Boys want to kill Pip, for past transgressions, and they are many. Dogs have a long memory. Finn is the lover of the three White Boys. Thor would have picked Pip up in his massive jaws and squeezed hard. I got Pip neutured, figuring with no package and hormones he would not be as annoying, but the White Boys don't care. I was relieved when Finn did not run around the other side of the barn and catch us outside. It's cold and windy. Lying in my bed last night the wind was making an eerie groaning sound in the hay mow above me. The dogs started to growl, it was a bit scary but fun. I'm plying some angora with a strand of wool and mohair for bunny mitten kits. I'm working on product for all those fall shows I signed up for. Now I can flush the Royal Potty without a care. The septic is installed and inspected. Next is the fire wall three stories high, then the concrete block foundation has to be coated with foam board, and the electric inspected. I'm being bureaucratized to death here. Right down the road people are living in old trailers that are about to fall apart around them with no legal trouble at all. In retrospect I would have done this move differently, but I wanted a nice barn for my sheep and this is the best barn that I could find on two quick weekend visits up here, and it is truly magnificent. The problems started when I wanted to live in it. I think there are more people living in barns in NJ and Pa. than here. The building inspector, who wears a military uniform, when he found me living here, said he "Heard a rumor that someone was living in a barn!" Yep, that's me.
Hm, your barn sounds pretty cool. you should see where I live. I hope thouse people will quit badgering you.
Remember what Karl Marx said...the real power in society is the bureaucracy. We enjoy a lot of freedom here in the US but we still have to have a permit for this, a permit for that...and so it goes.
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