I think the excitement of the weekend hit me today. I felt it when I was on the way to work. Gretchen said how are you and I said give me a fast horse and a bag of hundreds and I'm outta here. It was Teacher Appreciation Day and the administrators served breakfast to the staff. You had to be there earlier than usual to get it and I didn't make it earlier than usual. I had completely forgotten about it anyway. The only thing left was a giant stack of pancakes which I shared with some hungry students who came in at the same time I did. It was kind of funny watching the Superintendent stare at me carrying the plate with the tower of pancakes swimming with syrup to the kids I eat breakfast with every day. They are supposed to go through the student line and get their own. I saw the kid later, walking down the hall still holding his plate of pancakes. Food is really important to some of our students! I wasn't that nice to the kids later when one of them was rolling around my room on the teacher's chair while I was trying to teach them Regents vocabulary. He plowed into the wall and knocked my Princess of the Flowers picture which went crashing to the floor. By some miracle the glass didn't break, but a chip of plaster came off the frame. I was not amused. Here I wanted to share my joy with them and this happens. I took it out of there. Mrs. A. is now a crabby rules freak who doesn't tolerate any fooling around. Home from school and all I wanted to do was play with fiber. I decided I would get some of the new roving out of the trailer but it was packed so tightly under everything else no pulling or pushing would loosen it. My two travelling teamster friends did a real good job of making everything fit! I'll have to wait until Sat. and the farmer's market to see it. Weather forecast is good for Saturday, let's hope it holds. Cold and gray today. I have two custom bag orders and can get busy on them. No baby goats yet. Bodie is not good. I'll call the vet tomorrow. I am reluctant to call but Matt insists. I don't know if I can get him in by myself and I don't want to leave him there. I've had bad experiences before. Matt managed to get him outside for a pee tonight. I fed him cottage cheese but had to make him eat it. I think he has reached the end of his stay here on this earth. I knew this day would come but not this soon. I thought Daisy and Bodie would live forever, along with Shana, Prissy, Sparta, Georgia and Jasper - my dog children who have left me these past few years. Matt tells me we'll all be together again someday in the world to come. I better stop here. I'm tired and need another good night's sleep to be human again. I hope to get some Maryland pictures up soon. Off to do chores then go night-night.
1 comment:
No wonder you are tired. I had so mush fun at the Sheep and Wool, but feeling barely alive now. You on the other hand worked frantically before and after.
Sorry about Bodie, I was very worried about our Kisa the cat, who is not young anymore, but she did OK. Thank you for finding my yarn, I still can not believe that I did something this idiotic. And lots of thanks for introducing me to your wonderful friends. They are truly amazing. And so are you.
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