Today Kelly told me only 17 more days of class, then Regents testing starts. Testing is stressful but the kids are quieter and there are not as many here. I have to turn in my "summative" and be interviewed by my supervisor about goals I set last year and did I achieve them, etc. etc. Then I have to find out if I'm hired again next year. BOCES is different than regular ed schools. You get a letter sometime in the summer stating they intend to hire you back in September. It was a bit unsettling at first but now I don't even think about it. If they want me, fine, if they don't I'll just stay home on the farm and spin wool and be happy. I'm not going to worry about it. Matt called from Lake Placid. He's all mushy over the beauty of the mountains yada, yada, yada. I told him to stay longer than two days, because he is finally getting some time away from the farm where he feels so miserable and put-upon, but he wants to get back to Syracuse to continue work on his company's weatherization training center. He hired a carpenter to work on it - poor guy - and Matt has to supervise him. I'm thankful Matt is so gung-ho and fired up about his new career. If he was half as enthusiast about my farm business I would be selling shares on Wall Street by now - but that didn't happen and I'm resigned to it. My farm and my business are my doing and my responsibility.
I keep hoping you'd move the farm up here closer to me :) But thats just a wishful thought!
HUGs to all
Kim and crew
If you were closer I would have gone public already, I'm sure of that!!
Hey, you take care of those wounds on your back!! Let yourself heal up before you start going full tilt with the baseball teams! You hear???
Bet of luck with Pop-Pop. That's a rough break. Life is short and perilous. We have to live every moment to the fullest...
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