Bodie is Back! Matt came in the apartment door with Bodie in tow! He's not dead! Matt got out of his truck after coming home from work and thought he would stroll down Chris, our farmer neighbor's, driveway. He heard a sound and turned to find Bodie, flat out on the ground, near the small barn where Chris' dogs live. Bodie is the same, dizzy and weak, but he ate part of a can of wet dog food and part of our dinner of sweet potatoes and chicken. I have him lying next to the baseboard heater in the living room with a blanket over him. I want to get his old bones warm. Matt called the vet who said this behavior is common in old dogs. I am so grateful to have my Bodie back for however long we have left together. Thank you, thank you for all your kind wishes dear friends! I'm so sorry to make everyone worry so much!
Yay!!! I'm happy Mr. Bodie returned...such a nice dog.
can't wait to give you and bodie a hug saturday night
Glad to hear B Dog is back, now you can choose when the time comes instead of him laying outside in the cold.
Oh hurray!!!!!!!!! You must be so thrilled and happy.
HUGS to all and a special big one to that wonderful dog Bodie:)
Kim and crew in Canada
great news maggie!
Whew! Looky here, Mr. Bodie - don't go wandering off the property without telling Mom!
I'm glad he's back! Don't tell him all of Bloggerville thought he was an angel last night...it might go to his head!
Hooray!! Great news!!!
Dave and I are so happy! Now we'll be able to watch that dear sweet "puppie" continue his gentle strolls down the driveway with Holly and Izzy bouncing all around him ..... all of them happy with the love and presence of the others. Yours and Matt's love will keep him goin' for some time yet!
How wonderful
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