Was having a leisurely second mug of Thor's Hammer when the doggies convinced me to take them for a walk. Good doggies! We climbed to the top of my land and sat down to take in the views for a while. With the cold wind, brilliant sunshine and blood pumping I swear I felt woozie. It was wonderful. We made out way back down the the barn and cooked scrambled duck eggs for breakfast. Too much on deck for today to list but I'll start with lamb bottles, watering, haying and washing the wool I dyed last night. I'm constantly mulling over colors to blend together to make a pleasing roving that will appeal to customers. Wish I had some teal and fuschia dyes. It takes a week to order dyes from Dharma in CA. I substitute RIT when I have to but there is not a large selection to chose from around here. I'll figure out something. Tonight there is an opening party at Country Cottage Crafts in New Berlin, the little village I pass through on the way to work. Linda Foote, a local teacher and quilt artist, has invited me to display some of my things in her store. I like Linda and want to support her artsy venture, so I'll get dressed up and take a couple of totes and some yarn to her. There are some incredibly beautiful quilted purses there, done by a local quilter in soft cottons, but they are very different from my heavy-duty Bundaflicka Bags which you can haul bricks in. Boots back on and out to the barn for morning chores...
1 comment:
bricks indeed! Love your sturdy, fabulous bags - happy Sunday to you! Suzy
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