Roz Savage, British ocean rower, is five days into her voyage across the Indian Ocean. I follow her daily adventures on www.rozsavage.com. Today Roz found herself in the same spot she was on Day 3, but Roz is undaunted. I find her posts very inspiring and encouraging. Roz is 43 years old, single, and dedicated to bringing attention to the problem of plastic garbage harming our oceans. I can't imagine what it must be like to be buffeted about in a little tube of a boat in the middle of the ocean, risking ramming by ships, kidnapping by Somali pirates or being chewed on by sharks. Roz writes about being slapped in the face by flying squids, open sores on her buttocks, and what it is like to fix meals while sitting on a bucking bronco. Roz had a successful office type career when she decided that she had to do something more meaningful with her life and follow a dream - a decision I can relate to. I can't row across the Indian Ocean, but I can sit on the sofa in my jammies and have a cuppa tea, and dream dreams while I watch my sheep graze on the hill.
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