At last some sun tomorrow - maybe. Grey and dark today. I managed to get to school early to travel to a meeting in a far away district south of here. The little town reminded me of Brookfield, deep in a rural area with fields and cows everywhere. My students ride their buses for hours. Not a bad day in school. I reported for my blood donor appointment with the Red Cross caravan of vampires that visited our Certified Nurse Assistant program. I gave every six weeks at my old high school in New Jersey. That outfit was called the New York Blood Donor Program and I was in the Gallon Club. The Red Cross operation is slightly different. They take more time with their clients, but then my school is not a 1,500 student high school, and they were happy to get 22 pints of blood donated today. After a stop at the feed store to buy rabbit food and, alas, milk replacer (gone up to $58 a sack!), I made my way home. Fatigue set in and I cut our hike up the hill in half. I mixed a bottle for Renata, the "other lamb" for fear she is not getting enough milk from Artemis. While filling the water buckets I noticed her doing her backwards nursing while Regina nursed the other way around. It's awful to see Mom nuzzling her own twin adoringly, then butting Renata away. Renata doesn't seem to care as long as her belly is full. I picked her up and gave her a taste of the bottle, but she seemed full enough not to want it, or maybe the Pritchard's teat is unappealing compared to the real thing. I had to hide the sight of the bottle from the other lambs that have just been weaned. It's half-past nine now and I'm just getting to the sewing I wanted to do. There will be some late nights for me in the next couple of weeks...
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