Today, for the first time in a long time, I felt like I made it through the winter. I still have a little of that sinking, sick with worry, feeling in my gut, but the optimism is coming back. I like myself much better this way. What brought this on? I think this gorgeous, sunny spring day helped a great deal along with getting my Hamilton Farmer's Market application in to the Village office on time. As I pulled up and started in I saw one of my favorite people in the whole wide world walking up to do the same thing. If Candy Cain made it through the winter, and is coming back to the market, then everything will be OK. We hugged and caught up on our sheep, what yarn colors are "in" this year, and everything else under the sun. I rushed home to the critters to find that I left poor little Bella inside with the dogs instead of putting her out with the lambs for the day. She was yelling for her bottle, but otherwise fine. I got her fed then ran the dogs up to the pond. The grass is peeking up through the thatch and the water is lovely. I'm very excited about the runs I am working on, and finding new bags of mohair in the shed that I can dye. I am only limited by my own energy, and I am reaching down deep to find that extra push I need to keep my farm going. Mia and Andrew are coming to help me shear on Saturday, and I have some prospects for students to come here and work. So much to do. I need hay feeders, fencing, barn painting, and, yes, a closet for myself. There is a Delta table saw in the tractor shed and I have a hammer around here somewhere. Hmmmmm.
1 comment:
You need jsut holler -we can build hay feeders and put up fence :)
Kim and crew
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