The ground is soft and mushy everywhere I walk on the farm, even high on the hill. Even the ground hog holes are filled with water. I'm in from chores at 9 PM and have to decide how best to use the next three hours, which is about how long I think I can last if I drink a strong cup of tea. I'll probably sew because I can do that sitting down. I have a sick lamb and am very worried about her. I gave her an antibiotic and Nutri-Drench and don't know what else to do right now. She has a fever and I hear some rattling in her lungs. I'm hoping the LA200 helps, if not I'll give her the stronger stuff in the morning. I can't wait until I can get them all out on grass. It will be so good for them, but the grass on the hill is not quite there yet. The moms are very thin and, as usual, the wethers are big and fat. No lambs next year. It takes too much out of the ewes and the shepherd. Renata and Regina are doing fine. Mom has finally decided that both lambs belong to her. I have not seen any head butting of Renata in the last two days, but the clever girl is not taking any chances. She's still going in for the teat through the back door. I'm hoping to get up early enough to catch The Wedding before I leave for work. If I wasn't taking a day next Friday for Maryland Sheep and Wool I would take a day tomorrow just to stay home and watch Kate and Wills parade around in their finery. I hope there's good coverage of the trees and flowers decorating the church. Maybe I can find some British magazines with wedding pics coming up. I love the horses, the pageantry. Oh, would I love to be there watching the procession, but here I am, on the farm, living a different kind of dream, all my own, of my own making.
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