Yesterday's dusting of snow and icy rain gave way to a sunny yet windy Saturday. Got to the PO just in time to get my mail. There are advantages and disadvantages to having to go out of my way to get the mail. The Brookfield PO is six miles out of my way, and since I am always rushing home to critters, I often wait until the weekend to pick up my mail. If the PO closes on Saturdays like they are threatening to do, I'm in trouble. I think the federal PO is one of life's best bargains. I mailed six bars of soap to Sean in San Francisco on a Saturday morning, and he had it on Monday - for $5. Not too bad. I was thrilled to find my British Country Living magazine, which, since I have a subscription, comes to me a month before it's on the Barnes and Noble magazine stand. More importantly, I was accepted to another year of Colorscape Chenango, the premier arts festival right in Norwich, the town where my school is. That fabulous show is a giant block party in the middle of Norwich, with very talented artisans from all over the place participating along with terrific bands playing all weekend. I ventured on to the Louis Gale Feed Mill to get my egg layer mash and some cracked corn for Dolly. If I don't give her a scoop of some kind of treat in addition to her hay, she bellows and baaas until finally breaking out of her jug, leaving little Dickie, her cute little ram lamb, wondering where his mama is. I was picking up 25 pound bags of egg layer at local feed stores on the way home from work - and I love to support these homey and friendly family-owned local feed stores - but the prices are way too high compared to the feed mill. I get twice as much, 100 pounds, for the same price at Louis Gale. I get to say hello to my friend who works there, Teresa, but it's not nearly as adventurous as the local feed stores with their crafts and goodies. Back home to get to work, finding myself so sleepy that the sofa is looking way too good, but longing to get the wool processing train on track. I'm hoping to have my Pacifica run out to the carding mill next week. Then it's soap-soap-soap, bags, bags, bags, and creme, creme, creme. I will definitely have a working vacation the week after shearing, which takes place a week from today. Oh, maybe ten minutes on the sofa won't hurt too much.
1 comment:
You are taking care of so many critters, 10 minutes on the sofa is not an indulgence - it is a nessesetty. I hope you get some chockolate too.
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