After opening presents and yet another fabulous breakfast meal Annie prepared for us we piled in the Jeep and motored up the coast highway #1. Half Moon Bay is about a half hour from Eric's. The cold wind and waves were wonderfully refreshing. Hannah and Luke fairly flew down the cliffs but Omi took a bit longer, holding on to the rope for dear life. My two Army sons both had tumbles, too, so I didn't feel so bad. Little Perdita raced up and down the beach like a puppy while we explored the tidal pools for sand dollars. A rain storm blew in and we climbed back up to the highway - wet, cold and thorougly invigorated after all the Christmas feasting. I noticed sheep, cows and several farms on the lush green hills. Back to San Jose to thaw out and enjoy another delicious meal. We settled down to watch The Nativity Story, a terrific movie about Mary, Joseph and the birth of baby Jesus. It was an early night for me. My time is still out of kilter. Slept from 9 to 4 am, 12 to 7 east coast time. Feel great but I'm tip toeing around trying not to wake everybody up. Booker is keeping me company. We are worried about some swelling above his cast. Annie changes his dressings twice a day, and he's on an antibiotic. He would have loved the beach but had to stay home and rest. What a magnificent dog, and he's keeping me from going into total dog withdrawal. Matt holding down the fort but sick himself with a bad cold. Lilly still hasn't had her lamb. Maybe she's waiting til I get home.
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