I knew I would be in for it if I went to work today. A big storm was on the way, and would hit midday. I went back and forth with myself and had decided to call in, then changed my mind. I had gifts for my friends and didn't want to miss the excitement. It was Goody Day in the Special Ed. Dept., and we would be saying goodbye for a two week vacation. I had to get soap and all kinds of stuff out of the trailer parked at the end of the icy driveway. Rosanna had placed an order for creams and almond soap, which was cut but not wrapped. I was exhausted last night after a week of work and chores, still a little off kilter from being sick the week before that. If I went in to work I would have to bring it all with me and collate everything there. My wing is on the other side of the complex from where I park, but I got it all down to my room and got it all together. Everything was perfect. They were thrilled (well, the soap people kind of took it in stride...what? more soap? are you trying to tell me something, Maggie?) I got Rosanna her goods and managed to get a bagel left from the Goody Day table (I dallied and the best, gooiest stuff was gone). Then we were waiting in Laurie's room for the intercom to tell us we could go home. The snow had started and it was piling up fast. OH, JOY, here we go again. Finally the news - get outta here, we're closed. I hauled my bags, a little lighter now, and stuff up the stairs and out to the Jeep. Headed home on very snowy, slippery roads. No cell phone 23 miles home, then I get reception 2 miles from home when, hopefully, I don't need it. The sight of my silos is a sight for sore eyes and a very weary traveller.
what a fantastic sight to come home too
Thank you again for my fabulous Bag! And I know the people who got soap love it! And if they don't I'll knock them down and steal it...my dry skin is much improved since I started working with Maggie! Have a great break...in the swirl of getting out of the building I forgot to say Good bye and have fun in CA! See you in January! I can't wait to see picks of Carolina HomeSpun and other Fabulous California Adventures.
Happy Anniversary from me tooooooo.
Bit cold in here tonight 44 below zero is forecast and I can't wait until I can ship this cold weather east.
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