John from Frankenmuth Woolen Mill delivered my wool in nicely carded one pound balls to the festival. I am always anxious to see how it came out. He did a fantastic job. Lipstick was just how I hoped it would be, mostly vibrant red. Pacifica is gorgeous, a little heavy on the blue, but lovely things happened with the fuschia and purple. A vendor across from me lusted after it and offered me a triangle floor loom for six pounds. I said yes because I thought I could use it with my students. Jubilee is more like Mango Sherbert, and the Yellow Submarine is fabulous with vibrant colored stripes. Wool roving sales were brisk despite having the most intense competition with all those quality wool people displaying their fibers. Kim brought many of my runs spun into skeins which enabled people to see what their spinning would look like. Why "Mother Fiber?" Because wool is the Mother of All Fibers!
1 comment:
I am drooling on my keyboard as I look at it! Wow!
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