Matt helped me get my piggies home from Mary's where they were delivered last week by Mr. Shultz, the local pig farmer. Mary cooked us a lovely brunch which included her own bacon from last year's piggies she raised. We packed up the porkers and brought them over the creek to my farm. They are now secured in the back of the barn in the section where we usually shear. It's filled with old hay and sheep manure, which the piggies are thrilled with as they already have their snouts in the dirt and are plowing a trench along the wall. The room opens to the south side barnyard which we secured as well as we could for now. I'll keep them inside until they know where they live and eat and spoil them with goodies. That will give me time to get an electric wire around their barnyard. I come from a long line of Georgia hog farmers. Pigs must be in my DNA because I am totally enthralled with them and could watch them all day and not get anything done. The weather is ecstatically gorgeous. I keep thinking we should enjoy it - it could rain the rest of them summer, which is so Brookfield.
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