Still warm and humid with no rain in sight. Kinda pooped. Got nothing done tonight besides dinner for Matt and chores. I stretched out on the sofa for a few minutes of rest and fell sound asleep. Woke up with a start and saw 7:00 and panicked. I jumped up to get ready for work, but it was 7 PM not AM. I had a nice chat with Baby Girl Mia, who was just in a horrendous thunder and lightning storm while camping in Vermont with fiance Andrew. What do you do when you're in a little tent in a forest with no where to hide and the car is three miles away? Stay put and hope the tree you are under doesn't crash down on your head? A little goat jumped down from the hay mow then ran around the lower barn calling for her mother. It's tough to catch a littl goat when you can't stand up to run. She followed Baby Thunder outside and around to the upper level of the barn where she could see her mother in the mow. I managed to grab her in the dark and hoist her over to her mom again. I put my ancient old lady sheep - Ole Crip - outside to eat grass. Both her front legs are gone and I had her in a pen all winter where I could feed and water her undisturbed. She's surprisingly fit and gets herself up to the shelter of the barn doors next to the upper mow, then down to the grass to graze. I hate to put her down when she seems so satisfied with her condition. I hope to find her sleeping permanently one of these days, but for now we'll just see how it goes. At least she is enjoying the sunshine and green grass, and the roosters are not pooping on her from the rafters up high. Should be an easy day tomorrow. I will only have one student in GED so we decided to take her out to lunch. Weather looks good for the market on Saturday.
Why cant you stand up to catch goat? Most NY dairy barns I have been in are plenty tall ???? I saw your things at MD Sheep & Wool and loved your bags and wool. Didn't buy cause my 10yr old wanted neon wool to spin and didn't see any there.
Can't stand up because the hay pack is so high. No problem for the sheep and goats, but difficult for humans. We'll clean it out next month, God willing and the creek don't rise! Sorry I didn't have what you were looking for.
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