I went to Maryland Sheep and Wool with 30 Bundaflicka Bags and sold half of them. It's so interesting to sit at my spinning wheel and watch people with my bags. They wander up to them with mildly interested look on their faces, then pull open the bag and make oooohhh and aaahhh sounds. The smaller and more summery bags sold over the darker, heavier ones. One woman was so upset over the orange white leaf bags being sold that she asked me to go home and look for more of that fabric. I was surprised only one of the gun metal gray chenille circle totes sold, but the woman who bought it was wild over it. It is a very heavy, sturdy bag, but some of us sturdy farmer/teacher/fiber artist types need a rugged but stylish bag. I am already back on the machine, truly thankful that I enjoy sewing these bags so much. I'll try to find some lighter fabric for Hamilton farmer's market patrons this summer. My girls in school have each made two bags each and carry them every day, one inside the other sometimes. Very gratifying for me.
The orange leaf fabric bag is the one I carried with me on the Mythbusters episode. As soon as I find out when it will be on, I'll let you know. Both Gypsy and Max, the sniffer dogs, were very interested in the bag, and Gypsy even had a doggie cam. Fingers crossed that the clip makes it on the air. Maybe you should start putting labels on the outsides! *ggg* Still wondering how you did in the photo competition this year....
I love your bags. They are so comfortable and pretty.
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