The weather held out for the market today. Good thing, as I really worked hard to finish a Red Dot bag and get some Clary Sage & Lavender soap wrapped in the fabulous new Sew-Nice quilt fabric I bought last week. It's so much work to get there, but I just love it. There are many new vendors there this year, including a woman near me who sews nifty, clever tote bags for $20. I charge what I feel is the right price for my bags, and know someone with a jones for a bag might go for the cheaper ones, but that's the way it is. I wish her luck. There's another yarn vendor next to me who has a very clever way of packaging her yarn, in Chinese take-out containers! She's called "Knitting Noodles." I also met a Dutch woman who makes CHEESE right up the road from me in Leonardsville. I usually buy artisan bread and cheese for breakfast on market mornings, but the Mennonites aren't selling it this year. Renata, the cheese maker, has several delicious cheeses she creates on her farm. They are a year old! I've wanted to make cheese for a long time and this lady might help me get started. There is whole milk fresh from the cow available all around me. Or maybe I will finally get those dairy goats I've always wanted. We'll see. I met some people who are selling their flock of Jacobs very close to my school. I might go and take a peak for fun. They are full time farmers with lots of spinach, lettuce and sprouts for sale. Their little daughter was making fresh squeezed lemonade with a press she could hardly operate, but it was so cute and she was making $$. Audrey Swan stopped by and picked up a bag and brought me a lovely little hooked sheep rug! It's gorgeous! Pamme, her daughter, introduced us to her new Maltese/Chihuahua pupppy she got to celebrate her 50 birthday. Robin came by with her daughters, aunt and friend to visit and pick up yarn for Harlee to practice knitting with. Robin learned how to knit in our class with the students and taught her daughter. The cycle of fiber goes on and on. After packing up and chatting for a while with the lovely Candace, we got a bite at Hamilton Whole Foods and made our way home, happy and exhausted. Didn't make any money but I had a fabulous time. Matt got to stretch out on the grass and have a siesta. Next weekend should be better, as the Colgate folks are coming back for reunion weekend. I think I sold two bars of soap, two jars of creme one shaving cup and a Celestial Tote I decided to put out as "Gently Used" for a lower price. Local people are extremely frugal. We vendors pray for the tourists and Colgate people to come around.
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