I hate when Mia leaves. She brings the sunshine then takes it away. I go into my familiar mode of keeping busy to stave off the blues. I hate being so far away from my daughter - four hours. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. She was talking about moving to California, or being a travel nurse and going all over the world. I never thought she would stay in her home town in NJ. Smart move, as there is more opportunity for her in the medical field, and she met her fiance, Andrew, there in Barnes and Noble. I'll be going to visit her soon to watch the bridesmaids try on their dresses. Lots of fun in store for us, preparing for Mia's wedding. In the meantime, winter is clinging to New York. A cold wind is blowing snow. Some of the sheep are staying outside to graze, but most come back into the barn when the wind blows the hardest. Cozy and warm inside, and we have power. Easier to sew with electricity. I was spinning in candlelight last night - how lovely.
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