I'm worried about Billy Goat. I had to go in to work early and stay late to scribe for a student taking his Regents, the NY State standardized test. It was almost five when I got home, and Billy did not look like his usual dancing, happy self. He's still and quiet. I fixed his bottle and he wouldn't take it. I squirted some milk replacer in his mouth with a syringe barrel and he wouldn't swallow. His belly feels full enough, so I'm worried he got into something he shouldn't have. I decided to take him up to the hay mow to visit the other goat babies and their mommies. I don't think this had the desired affect. Billy just stood there and stared at the others, who were mildly curious about him. I guess it was like going to a birthday party where you don't know anybody. I feel so bad for him. He's going to the vet after I go to work, then to my doctor's appointment after work, where he's supposed to get his health certificate. I hope he passes. If not, then the vet is the right person to look at him anyway. This working while trying to raise animals is awful, especially with babies. I feel so torn.
Oh I so hope he is OK. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hope he's doing ok. I hate leaving my animals for work.
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