Driving to work in snow, driving home in snow, rushing to get home before it gets more slippery and even colder. After my couple of stops for the PO and milk I stopped by Mary's and took a quick peek at her newborns. Sooooo cute. Gosh I love sheep, all sheep, any kind of sheep. I scooted on home to check on my own lambs. No lambsickles today, just healthy happy lambs bopping around the barn. Calvin and Hobbes are the only lambs in pens right now. They are rather small compared to the other lambs and I don't want them loose in the barn yet. We'll see what the night brings. My back is coming along. I stopped taking the prescription meds and I feel better already. That stuff can really mess up your head. Aspirin and Ibuprofen, with some sofa time, will have to do. I had a nice chat with AJ last night from the airport in Atlanta where he was connecting to Las Vegas. While visiting friends in Washington, DC, over New Year's his suitcase was stolen on the train, not far from where he was sitting. His cassock, priest's robe, was in the bag, along with his laptop, cell phone, Bible, prayer book and religious text books. I hope the creep felt some kind of guilt when he opened the bag and realized he stole it from a clergyman. Luckily his renter's insurance covered the lap top, but the robe was custom made and costs $300 to replace. The books cost a fortune, and the Bible is a very personal thing. What a world. I'm going back out into the barn where my world makes sense and where I feel very, very safe.
How awful -sending up a prayer to the universe that the person who took it returns it to AJ somehow.
HUGS to all
who needs to see the lamb chariot races!
So sorry about this. Poor AJ.
Thank you, ladies. Fortunately my cassock was not in the bag, and it could have been much worse. Glory to God for all things...
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