After three days of sunshine grey, wet weather is on the way. I'm glad the lambs had a chance to go out and play. Hay is in the mow for another week. Big load coming on Saturday, but the elevator is still broken. Mr. Barnes, the local master farm repair man, couldn't make it yesterday. Mr. Postma has a big truck but if we get a lot of snow and ice next week it might not make it up the sloping lane to the hay mow doors. Life on the farm along with many challenges goes on. My shepherd/shearer/spinner/long distance rider friend, Libby Llop, emailed me some nifty plans for six sided hay feeders. I'm taking the plans to the BOCES carpentry dept. tomorrow to find out if the future carpenters will build them for me. It's become such an issue that doesn't seem to be resolved here and I have to do something. I married a carpenter who has gone on to blaze other trails. He doesn't like to swing the hammer any more, on anything that resembles his old way of life. Okay, I say to myself, how would I advise Mia if she were in this position? I would tell her to just go somewhere else and get the hay feeders built and let the issue rest. There would be peace in the house and the hay would not be wasted. Matt is going to Manlius to work on our 1946 Ford 8N tractor which is still in pieces at the home of the man we're buying it from, the boyfriend of the office manager at NY Weatherization. It seems like it's going on forever. Matt enjoys working on the tractor with Ron and it will get done someday. We can only live and hope.
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