I wish someone would make me a cup of tea. It tastes so much better when someone else makes it. The weather turned awful, very cold and windy. Blowing too hard to go out and look at the beautiful full moon. What a day, no lunch, no afternoon cup of coffee to get me through the third stage of the day, then a two hour doctor's appointment, then following snow plows at 30 mph for too many miles, frustrating, but thankful they were there. Home late, then rushing another 30 miles on icy roads to take Billy to the vet. Going to Canada is turning out to be more involved and costly than first anticipated. They were upset with me for not having his scrapie tag in his ear, but I lost my applicator and there's been no time this week to go buy another one because I have to rush home to feed Billy (and Tank, but Luna doesn't seem to want her bottle anymore). And now they want a tatoo in addition to the tag. They still don't know all the rules, or if he is even old enough to be exported, but know that it will cost around four or five hundred dollars to do the paperwork. Now there is a "state vet" in Albany involved. No mention of him on Monday. They seem not to trust me because I had the tag in hand, not in his ear. I left rather frustrated and disappointed. Creep home on dark icy roads with no plows or salt spreaders to follow. Billy and I were just so happy to be home.
What a day! i also love it when someone else makes my tea. Taistes a lot better this way. Poor you, poor Billy, red tape is a hard thing to fight.
I wish I lived close by and I could make you that cup of tea...you deserve it :)
the temptation to just drive him across the boarder much be huge :(
what a shame ...
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