I took the little pisser to the Leatherstocking Equine Center for his export testing after work today. What a class act they are. Big, beautiful facility with gorgeous flashy horses and lots of staff standing by to help with any emergency. While we were there a call came in about a sheep on the way for a C-section. They were ready for action when a SUV pulled in with a very ordinary looking little sheep in distress. Everybody had to take a turn holding little Billy Goat. His brucellosis test required a cc of blood, which took two sticks - ouch!- and his TB skin test requires a return trip on Thursday. Dr. Martha is being very thorough about his paperwork and will call the Feds to make sure it's done right. Kim and Crew is coming to pick him up on Feb. 6 and we're hoping to have the results back by then. In the meantime, Billy Goat is having lots of fun, doing pogo stick jumps around the apartment and playing with the cats (who are NOT interested). Quick dinner thrown together then out to the barn to do chores. Early meeting tomorrow morning, always a tough thing for me. Have to leave by 7:15 or I'm in trouble. Rained all day today. Most of the snow is gone, leaving a sheet of slick ice on the driveway. Single digits will be here by Friday to freeze up all this mud. The barn is very moist and "aromatic" right now. I'm used to it but I can imagine what people think when they come in here. Do I care? Not really...
Do not worry. After all a barn is a barn. Poor, poor Billy, bloodwork is not nice.
Do not worry. After all a barn is a barn. Poor, poor Billy, bloodwork is not nice.
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