Colder last night. I was afraid to climb the ladder to the hay mow for fear the baby goats might have slipped their sweaters and froze. They were fine, with round bellies and warm backs. After bottle feeding Tank and Luna I set off for work. Good to see my friends again. Mrs. Price and Miss Huggins, aides in my class, took good care of everything while I was out. I hate to be absent. I always think some kind of calamity will take place having to do with me and I won't be there to put out fires or defend myself. Everything was okay. The kids had worked hard for two days so I took Last of the Mohegans to show them. I told them about JF Cooper (we live near Cooperstown) and how this movie takes place in Central New York. They seemed impressed by that. I know Mrs. Price, Ms. Huggins and I were impressed with Daniel Day-Lewis. OH, what an excellent portrayal of Nathaniel. I came home to find little Tank and his mother had escaped from their pen. Tank is a bit nervous these days. He's taking his bottle okay and his belly is round and firm. Mom, an older ewe, is attentive but doesn't have a lot of milk. Have to pay some special attention to him this weekend. Billy Goat only took half a bottle while at work with Matt today. He is kind of upset, too. I don't think I will send him with Matt next week. I can't get him to take his bottle tonight. I held him for a half hour or so and he fell asleep in my arms. I'll hold him some more after chores tonight. Poor thing doesn't have a goat mother to nuzzle and dote over him like the other kids do. I would like to start sewing and making soap again sometime soon, but with the state of this place I can only live and hope.
Glad you are felling better.
Thanks, Henya. I wish you could make me some chicken soup with matzoh balls....oh, what heaven!
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