I flew out the door of the school at 3 and made my way home as fast as I could on snowy roads. Traveling was much easier than this morning's commute. I had to go my emergency snow route, all the way to 23 in South New Berlin, then over a big but gently sloped hill to Norwich. I'm very surprised we didn't have a delay at the very least. Anyway, after a quick stop for rabbit food I rushed home to find Little Luna screaming for her bottle but everything okay otherwise. Calvin and Hobbes, the ram twins born yesterday, are doing great. They tiptoe around their mother, who stands patiently still while they poke their tiny noses around her teats. I walked the length of the barn and found sheep resting and napping, some with lambs by their side, but no shivering newborns. I guess this scenario will repeat for another week or so, after which any births would be unlikely as Wooster was in his new home with Mary and Othello had passed over the Rainbow Bridge. I carried warm water to all the bunnies, dogs, chickens and cats so they could have a drink before it freezes over. I filled the sheep water containers. I'm using several small buckets instead of a large stock tank. Don't want any drownings this year. Oh, how dreadful that was!! It seemed so odd to be in school and not home on the farm, but I'll get used to it - I hope. Many students stayed home so things were quiet in our wing. Snow is expected every day this week. I'm going to lie down and rest my aching back, which is not coming along as well as I hoped. Could it possibly be the fact that I don't give it a chance? I'm going to run out of muscle relaxer pills pretty soon. There's always ibuprofen.
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