With six moms and kids in the room adjacent to the apartment the air was getting too warm and moist, even with the heat off and the windows open. With no real hay pack on the floor I couldn't keep it very clean in there. I was worried about pneumonia, which is deadly, and I didn't want to deal with that. We carried the babes and dragged the moms up to the hay mow and closed the big doors. I'll have to carry water up there but they are in a clean, cold and dry environment. I let them get adjusted while I was doing chores downstairs then climbed up to take a peek. One kid was leaping from bale to bale, another was wandering around, checking out a tire, hanging out, and the third was taking a nap. Everybody looked fine. Until I can get an area set up in the lower barn with the sheep this will have to do. Chris is in there with them, too. The worst thing that can happen is they will fall through a hole to the lower floor, but I'm hoping the moms will warn them away from those pitfalls. Fingers crossed.
I worked on Mia's floor & she told me I could comment if I have a g mail acct- so I just signed up for one & hope you get this. I love your blogs love hearing about all you do - I really think you should write a book- it is so interesting. will stop now & see if this gets through to you - love carol h
maggie- last try- I cant seem to leave a comment--- HELP carol
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