I have a cute little newborn goat buck warming on the oven door of my dye stove in the milk room. I put him in a wire rabbit cage so he won't crawl into the oven or be bothered by the cats who are escaping this awful cold in there. We found him in the coldest part of the barn by the back door. He was just born and still wet. Fortunately Matt heard the newborn bleats when he was putting out hay. We got mom and baby in a lamb pen and gave him a dose of nutri-drench and put him in a thick sweater. She was still bonding with him so we went inside to eat dinner. When we came back he was stiff with cold. Nursed out mom and got some colostrum in his belly, but I feared he would still freeze. When lambs or kids are really cold, they can't digest anything. It was time for the oven. The Aga stoves have neat little ovens where British shepherds would put lambs to warm. My dye stove has to suffice. I paid a hundred dollars for it out of the paper, and it's saved many babies in addition to keeping my milk room warm and pipes from freezing. It's also survived many dye pots splashing over. Tonight it's on goat kid duty. I put the little guy in a wire rabbit cage so he can't crawl into the oven or be smothered by well-meaning cats. After watching him for an hour or so he started squawking and complaining - a good sign. Mom hears him and calls for him, but I gave her second cut hay, a bucket of corn and another of molasses water, so she's busy cramming her hungry mouth with food to be too upset. I'm hoping I can reunite them in the morning. Not tonight, for we would truly have a kidsickle by morning.
Oh how sweet and what a scrapper!!!
Sending my best wishes and thougths up to the universe for all of you!
sure wish I lived closer :)
would love to snuggle that little boy and of course beautiful Luna!
What a cute little guy.
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