Let's see, where do I start on this sunshiny frigid cold weekend morning?
Wrap up rocking chair cushions for Mia's friend who just had a baby. She wanted the chair cushions covered with some lovely buttercup tapestry fabric. Got them done a long time ago but rode them around with me wondering how to package them for the mail. I finally wrapped them in paper grocery bags and sent the big, unwieldy package with Matt to the PO. The baby has been born and I'm sure the new mom needs her cushions. I put some goodies in there for her.
Get out to the barn and fill up water containers. Offer Tank and Luna bottles and hope they continue not to want them as much. Luna is great, but Tank is a "special lamb." Even with his adoring mother he runs around screaming all the time. Poor thing needs lamb Prozac.
Climb ladder and check on baby goats. Last night they were all huddled together in the igloo I put up there for them, trying to keep warm. All are in sweaters but with the cracks in the wall for hay to breathe the mow is frigid cold. Luckily mother's milk comes out nice and warm. I'm out of hay but the very capable Mr. Postma is coming to the rescue. He brings his brother and the big, giant truck and they make quick work out of helping us stack 200 bales without any complaint. I thank my lucky stars for those guys. Don't have the new elevator motor yet. I will be broke for the next two weeks, but Venus and Mars will provide for me and send me some internet orders so the cats, dogs, and rabbits won't starve. Rabbits can eat hay but the cats and dogs can't.
Come back inside and start cleaning up this apartment. Even I can't stand it any longer, not to mention husband. I'm too old to find another husband as my body is just not what it used to be and I don't have the energy to break in a new mate. Speaking of body, I'm actually going to lie down and do some exercises today, but have to clean the floor first. I'll probably be attacked by dogs giving me big wet kisses. Maybe they can do stretches and sit ups with me. I need to find a cheap yoga mat then I can exercise in my classroom at work. Nobody bothers me in there. There are benefits to being anti-social.
Clean off table so I can cut the rest of Mia's curtains. I can't stand the thought of her sitting in that cold apartment with those giant windows letting the icy air in and running up her bills. I got one panel done and she got the rods up. If I put my mind to it I can get four more panels done this weekend. Matt went to the feed mill for me and that helps.
Dock tails and give lamb shots. Nurse Tanya's office called to say they scheduled my scans for Feb. 11. I'm getting an ultrasound mammo. No teats in a vise for me. Had one ten years ago and vowed never again, even though my family history screams breast cancer. If men had to get their balls squeezed in a vice they would have invented other technology real quick. Women take it and suffer in silence. I saw this ultrasound mammo on TV and said that's for me. They use it when history is strong or the traditional mammo is inconclusive. Nurse Tanya said no problem.
After all this is done I want to play with some beautiful fabric. I haven't sewed any bags since before Christmas. Maryland Sheep and Wool is looming large. I'm down to six or eight bags and am hoping to sew around 50 before Md. on May 1. I have a "Lipstick" run all ready to ship to the mill. It was very popular last year. I'm almost out of wool and figure I will shear a couple of sheep and put coats on them. I'll have to do it with scissors unless I can get Big Jim Baldwin to come out. I have a feeling he's hunkered down for the winter. Can't hurt to ask.
I have some ideas for Mia and AJ's big birthday presents. They will be thirty on February 21. They came out, 40 minutes apart, with their placentas fused together. When I saw that I knew they would always be close. Mia has to work on her birthday but she's coming up to celebrate the weekend before. I hope AJ can get away from the seminary. He's very excited because the Archbishop of Canterbury is coming to visit this weekend. Matt says that's a big deal but this Baptist girl doesn't know anything about the High Church. My church is in the barn and the field.
Let me get off this machine and get to work. Thinking about it won't get it done.