I stay up too late these days. Late night is my only "free" time, all to myself. With a full time job, all these animals and a husband to take care of, AND a BIG show looming, there is just not enough time in the day. My supervisor is sending me to a remedial IEP writing class today. I LOVE working with kids but this paperwork thing is not my deal. In NJ the people who write the IEP's sit in offices in the guidance department and rarely venture into the classroom. In NY the teachers write the IEP's, the "Individual Educational Plan," with goals, objectives, PLEPS, (Present Level of Educational Progress), and needs. I am often reminded why I got out of the MAT (Master of Science in Teaching) line and into the MA History line. The MAT line was much longer but no thanks. Give me fourteen books to read on the New Deal but don't give me that teacher mumbo jumbo. Fortunately the IEP guru is a real nice lady and BOCES is all about special handling and second chances. It's 6:30 am and I've been up since 5. Matt had to leave early for his own class on Lead Abatement Training Supervisor or something like that and I got up to make him coffee for the hour plus commute. None of the convenience stores make coffee as strong as mine, with foamy milk no less! Lead poisoning is deadly and gives so many little ones brain damage and learning disabilities. Everybody wonders why the kid is not doing well in school without realizing the negligent landlord let paint chips fall off the walls into the crib. Madonna wants to adopt a little girl in Malawi? Lucky little girl. I wish she'd adopt me and give me to her personal trainer for an exercise regimen. I'm going to have a rude awakening when the grass is green and it's time to chase sheep all over the fields.
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