Othello is now the new Big Daddy of the flock. He is the father of Larry, Lester and Levi and, I'm told, he came from Morehouse Merinos of Red Hook. Not quite the photogenic mug that my Horatio had...but he's sporting a big gorgeous Merino fleece. Othello is one of the rescued sheep that came with my Horatio. I am working late tonight on IEP drafts due on Friday. It's very tricky o document everything they want on this important legal document. I'm still learning how to do it right. I like working with the kids much better. It's 4:30 and Gretchen and Laurie are doing power walking up and down the halls. Wish I could do it with them, looks like so much fun. I better pack up and get going. Matt was home today so I know the critters are looked after. Weather is balmy, sunny and breezy out the window and I would like to enjoy a few minutes of it before dark. Cold temps, snow and wind coming back tonight. I want to take Horatio to a taxidermy to have his magnificent head mounted but Matt says it would cost too much $$. I'm going to look into it anyway.
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