Northern CA. has some incredibly beautiful forests. Mia and crew frolicked in this one yesterday. What fun. Wish I could be there with them, but the weather here was delightful, too. Bright, breezy and cool. I got my wethers back from Shepherd Mary, who showed me her group of six cute little Dorsets she just brought home. She was going to pick up her new horse today. What you can do with unlimited hay! Snowed this morning but the brilliant sun came out later in the day, typical of our little CNY valley. The last daylight fell behind the western hills at 8 PM. What a difference three more hours of light makes. I got four bags finished this weekend and three more cut out. I found a fleece stuck to the dirt floor of the tractor shed and thought it looked pretty good, considering. I peeled it off the ground, spread it out on the hood of the Jeep and picked it. It felt so good to stand outside for a while in the sunlight instead of sitting at the sewing machine. I dyed this black wether's wool in two giant pots and it came out fantastically. Three years stuck to the floor and still good. That's the wonder of wool.
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