...It's still cold and crisp. I love it. Dry and cold with much more daylight. Who could complain? It's Friday and I'm sooo glad. I'm so tired. I've been up late every night sewing bags. I tried desperately to stay up long enough to watch Pres. Obama on Jay Leno. I almost made it past the opening dialogue but Jay did some kind of game or something before O. came on and I gave up. Couldn't pry my eyes open with toothpicks. I don't sleep a whole lot but I need my 5-6 hours every night. I heard it was a great show. Oh, well. I had a nice talk with Mia from San Francisco. She's visiting Lisa at her new apartment in SF. Married life suits Lisa and she's very happy with her husband, Regi. Mia took Hannah and Luke to the Monterey Marina on Wednesday before she left for Lisa's. She still hasn't made it to the beach and is hoping her brother Eric (HINT HINT!) takes her to one before she comes back east. AJ called tonight to say he's very happy at the seminary. They are fasting for Lent but he and some friends managed to get out for the St. Patrick's Day parade and a corned beef and cabbage dinner. Glad to hear he's not going off the deep end with this fasting business. AJ says there's a lot of repentance going on at this time of year and it takes a lot out of him. I told him please don't get carried away with this repentance business, as he's never done anything wrong!! I have to get to bed. The sheep kept bumping into me while feeding tonight. Their wooly coats are like velcro against my fleece pants and they kept spinning me around. Another month and those coats will be off. The wooly life cycle goes round and round...
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