Whew what a morning...got over to WM just as the kids fell sound asleep. Reminded me of what it was like to be a child and hauled around by parents, and having no say about it. We did have a lot of fun finding everything on Hannah's list, and lots more. I was able to get the thread I need and a couple of rafts to blow up and use to float around the pond. I took H and L to my favorite bakery (good excuse to get a double cappucino for myself) La Maison Blanc. Hannah, yes, she is my granddaughter, chose the dark chocolate mousse cup, and Luke chose a cow cookie. This bakery has the most amazing decorated animal cookies (very pricey). I would buy one of every cookie - cows, sheep, frogs, chickens, etc. to put in holiday packages to send to them in Nevada, but never heard how they liked them. I found out today, that Hannah doesn't like them at all, but Luke is crazy about them. Stopped at Tractor Supply and the kids rode around the store on top of 50 lb. sacks of rabbit pellets, cracked corn and dog food. Can't beat 52 lbs. of Pedigree for $18.99. Sure hope Tractor Supply doesn't oppress their workers. I love to patronize my little local Homestead Feed shop, but some of their items are $5 to $7 more than TS. Just can't afford it, and TS sends me an itemized receipt of everything I've bought there at the end of the year. From there we went to another Evil Empire, the big yellow M. Yes, I made the ultimate sacrifice and stood in the lunch hour line to get Hannah her nuggets and French fries. Luke just wanted to eat his Lunchable to get the Transformer out. I neglected to buy Hannah's food in the form of a Happy Meal and consequently didn't get the toy, to Luke's dismay. So he went up to the counter, remember he is 5, and asked for a toy. They gave it to him, and he brought it to me to figure out how to use it. Just my luck it didn't work properly, but he let me talk him into going home to work on it. We almost made it home clean but Luke had an emergency bathroom urge, fortunately made it home because Stewart's had an unusual line for the BR. Hannah helped me haul in a truck load of groceries, what a trooper. Back on the sofa for a little of Star Wars. Their Daddy, my son Eric, was the TWIN of young Anakin Skywalker - complete with haircut and natural ability with anything motorized. He hated me for years because of that haircut (first on a list of many unresolved issues) but it was adorable. He was so cute I worried all the time about someone snatching him. In the meantime, I can love on his cute little son, Luke, who tells me he loves me like crazy every day.