As I was running around getting chores done and trying to get out the door to work I stumbled on a nice surprise. Raven finally gave birth to a little white doe kid with blue eyes! She is very tiny and I suspect there is another baby in there. With nobody here to help me it is impossible to check. I have a shot of oxytocin ready just in case I can catch her. I have another doe with some off color discharge, looking like part of a placenta. Can't catch her, either. It's Wednesday and Matt won't be back until Friday night. Hope both does resolve their problems by themselves. I'm going to let the new ram lamb out. I can do his tail alone, but not his scrotum. That will have to wait for Matt. The weather is gorgeous. I wish I could take the dogs walking but I have to do soap and cut out some bags. New Hampshire is a week away and I am hard pressed for products. Next year will be easier with fewer lambs and kids, and hopefully a proper work place. Trailer life is almost unbearable. I hate it and keep wondering how I got myself in this situation. I know - I bought a barn instead of a house! Just like me to put the sheep first. I can only blame myself. But then someone told me if I had bought a farm with a pig-in-the-poke house, I would never get it fixed up (the carpenter barefoot thing-a cruel joke!) The milk room is where I do everything and it is a shambles. Laundry, cooking, soapmaking, sewing, computer work space is all in here. It's miserable but all I have right now. In three days over the weekend Matt only got a few boards down to lay the floor on before his ramjet broke. We went to Lowe's to get another one but he didn't seem enthusiastic and spent the rest of the weekend getting in hay and fixing little things. Hannah and Luke are coming in July and he promised me the apt. would be done before then. Right now a bed and a toilet would be luxurious. I can only live and hope...
hang on mommie.. i am so proud of you! it's coming.. really, it is!!!
i miss you and can't wait to see you very soon!!
I know trailer life is the pits sometimes, but look at how far you've come and at how much you have. You've just come through a horrendous lambing and kidding season and you did it largely by yourself. Warm weather is back and things are looking up. Pitch a tent on a warm evening and make a fire to cook over once in a while. Maybe it will lift your spirits a bit and take some of the pressure off the milk house. (My sister does all her work in the milk house of her converted milk barn, too. Sometimes it's a disaster, and she just needs a change in perspective).
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