Newly pinned as an RN BSN and beaming with happiness at her successful completion of a rigorous accelerated nursing program, Mia is ready to brave the world of medicine. The graduation ceremony at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center was meaningful and efficient, just the kind of affair a group of capable nurses from UMDNJ would put on. Mia had a whole row of family and friends - in the first row even! Mia's best and longest friends in the world were there. Lisa Palmer came from Los Angeles where she moved after graduating from Rutgers to teach English as a second language. Jenny came all the way from Hoboken to Newark to cheer Mia on. Jenny and Lisa have known Mia since kindergarten at Hillcrest School in Morristown. Kerry came from Burlington, where she and Mia attended the Univ. of Vermont. AJ, Twin B, flew in from Nevada, where his National Guard unit had recently completed a weekend of Op-Force Training in the Valley of Fire (aptly named he tells me). So much love and devotion from family and friends. Mia worked very hard and never lost sight of her goal. There was no way she could fail. The world is a better place for having Mia at the bedside of the sick and dying. And she's not finished yet - Mia has ten credits toward her Master of Science in Nursing degree. So I expect we will all be back in Newark together for another graduation, God willing, in two years. Morristown Memorial Hospital, where Mia was recently hired to work after she passes her nursing boards, will pay for the degree. Way to go, Mia!
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