Just my luck, new lamb in the barn, big show this weekend and I am sick. It had to happen at some point, I figured I would get sick by Christmas when I would have a week to stay home. I hate to miss school, but I'm sure I got this from school and I don't want to pass it on to anyone else. I alternate between chills and sweats and I ache all over. I can't taste my beloved French Roast. Okay, stop whining and get out to the barn. Little Luna (born under the full moon) is just SO precious and Lilly loves her so much. She runs her big black tongue all over those tiny white baby curls and stands right next to me while I bottle feed Luna. I got some powdered colostrum from the vet yesterday, but have my doubts as to how much it will help. It's made from cow's colostrum, and there's that species specificity thing...but I had to give her something. Thirty dollars, but it has all kinds of vitamins and minerals in it. Nasty looking stuff...I am also worried that Lilly has not passed her afterbirth. I couldn't find it anywhere in the area I have them corralled. I also bought some fresh oxytocin from the vet and tried to give her a shot of it to expell the placenta, but giving a shot to a large sheep who is very protective of her lamb and won't stand still for me is not easy. I leaned her up against the side of the pen and tried to hold her still, but the needle popped off and she ran away with it. I had to fish the needle out of her wool for fear the lamb would find it. The syringe was empty, but still no placenta. Oh, sheep woes. If only one of the other ewes had given birth I would milk colostrum from her for Luna, or maybe foster her. Better get out to the barn. Matt comes back from Saratoga tomorrow night, and Tulip is coming tomorrow. Was going to clean up the house today, but it ain't happening. Randy might bring me some hay today, which would be a blessing. Don't think I can sling too many bales today...
HUGs Maggie!!!
Luna is beautiful. What a perfect name for her too.
See you tomorrow
What a terrible thing to happen, getting sick when you have so much to do, you will be o.k. with the cow colostrum, we had a neighbor who owned a dairy and he had sheep and always fed them cow colostrum with no problem, I have goats so always made sure to freeze colostrum and have it for the next year, we were o.k. if one of the dairy goats kidded first but if the pygmies kidded first we were in trouble. Good luck, will be thinking about you.
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