Loki was born around 11 PM last night to a first time BFL mother and my dearly departed purebred Merino ram, Othello. Glad to see he had some fun shortly before he died. Loki even has his father's white spray of wool on his head. Mom was kind of nervous about getting in a closed pen with her baby, and I had to lure her back in a couple of times after she bolted. She wouldn't let me nurse her out, which I like to do to get some colostrum in a newborn to "light a fire in the belly" and make sure they get a good start. I did get a mouthful, then let the NutriDrench do the rest. Mother and Lamb look good this morning, although Loki is very sleepy from the hard work of being born. Lucky I have some Christmas lambs to play with over the holidays. Shepherding is a very biblical profession, and, remember, Jesus is Reason for the Season.
Oh my gosh does he ever look like Othello!!!!
Handsome fellow.
awwwwww.... sooo cute!!!! a snow day.. yyyaahhh!!!!
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