I picked a giant black ewe fleece while watching Sweetgrass last night. Sweetgrass is a documentary about a sheep drive in Montana. Very entertaining and realistic. They may have been in the wilds of Montana but they were dealing with many of the same situations I do here. They lost a sheep to a bear, even with six Maremmas patrolling, and did a lot of switching around lambs to get everyone on the teat. No, I don't have bear issues but I do have to get lambs on the teat. It was good to see real shepherds doing everything possible to have every single lamb survive. I can relate to that. I'll take another walk with the doggies up the hill this morning. It's cool and grey on the farm, perfect for working indoors. I had some nice sheep and goat interactions on the hill yesterday. I love hanging with them and listening to them munch.
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