Long day at the market but it was nicely cool, contrary to the weather report, and breezy. We had some good traffic despite the Bouckville Antique Market going on nearby. Two bags I finished this past week, including one made last night, and one older bag sold today. Everything I make was validated in some way. I had a nice visit from the vet who used to take care of the Kupris cows in this barn. What a terrific guy who had some very kind things to say about Christopher Kupris, my next-door-neighbor. After packing up we made it home around four. Izzy was very relieved to finally get home with his bro's. I ran them all up to the pond then boiled up the raspberries I bought at the market. I only got two half-pint jars out of it. Wish I bought more berries but when I went to her table to get them she was gone! Another vendor who left too soon! Will take it easy tonight and spin some after chores. A woman from NYC bought a skein to sit in a basket on her coffee table because she thinks it's "just so beautiful." It was some variegated single strand mohair. Maybe I'll offer some more singles. I'm such a die-hard plier of strands, which takes three spinnings to make yarn - two bobbins must be spun, then spun a third time in the opposite direction, requiring an incalculable number of hours of spinning. Single strand yarn feels like cheating to me, but I might become more comfortable with it if customers like it. I'm going to lie down...
That is a very lovely basket of yarn, I understand the NYC lady just wanting hers for display. Countless hours of spinning for sure, but lots of stress relieved as well :)
that yarn looks beautiful!! i am a novice spinner (spindle only)--hoping someday to learn more and get a wheel.
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