What did we do on our last day together for the summer? We went to the waterfall, ofcourse. It was the best way to end our wonderful month together. Mary managed to pull herself away from her busy schedule to spend a few minutes swimming with us. We haven't seen as much of her this visit. The waterfall will loom large in our memory of this hot, sunny summer.
I truly enjoy reading your blog. First of all, you write very well. Second, you seem like the all American family. Third, your photos are so beautiful - like I'm looking at a nature magazine. I don't want to intrude on your privacy but I would love to know where this beautiful waterfall is! I recently took a drive to see some Northern NJ waterfalls in Paterson, NJ but it was such a bad neighborhood that I felt very uncomfortable to be there with my kids (we were probably the only unarmed people there - and I'm not talking NRA folks). Anyway, I would like to respectfully say that I enjoy this blog and hope that you will continue to share your thoughts and photos so generously. Is there anything that you sell that I could buy to show my support.... I saw a mention of Shepherds Helper in an article, is there anything else?
The waterfall is in Brookfield, Madison County, New York. It's location was a mystery to me until Shepherd Mary was taken there by a neighbor, then she took us. I was relieved because Luke was begging me to take him to Beaver Creek across the road from my farm. The creek is loaded with snappers, big and small. The waterfall pool is freezing cold and only has cute little fish. The only place I've seen like it is in Buena Vista, Virginia, called Panther Falls. Yes, family is very important to me. I hate being far away from them, but they are very good about coming to see me on the Farm.
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