I've got an assembly line of fiber preparation going on here. While I'm picking and skirting a fleece I have another one simmering on the dye stove in the milk room and one drying in Mia/Hannah's room. Today the sun is so hot and glorious I put a black kid mohair fleece outside on the drying rack, but that makes me a little nervous. I have cats and chickens out there, and even with a length of rabbit wire over the fiber they could do damage if they wanted. I can close Mia's room off and spread the wet fiber over a sheet on the bed. I turn the overhead fan on high, and I can even put the electric heater on if I want, then close the door to all intruders. I've got to get these runs into the mill so John, my long-time friend at Frankenmuth, can card it for me. He knows just how I like it and gets it done quickly for me. I still have so much wool on the hoof that I've been scrounging around for old fleeces - annoying at first but it's been a good thing. All the fleeces I've passed over because they need extra picking, etc., are getting done. Picking, washing and dyeing works wonders. I found a big bag of angora, a gift from my old bunny friend, plus Kimmie Cornerstone's bunny wool, and I plan to do a yellow/chartreuse run with it. Angora is the only fiber I use that is not from my farm. I pride myself on raising my own wool. People are still asking about the "chrome colored roving." Trouble is, I can never get the same run done twice. It's fiber art and subject to the phases of the moon and what my sheep have to give me! Better get back to work. The day is awasting and I've got miles to go before I sleep. I just put up 7 pints of local raspberry jam from berries I brought home from the market yesterday. I only managed to eat a pint and a half before I got the rest cooked. Manna from heaven! What a gift those local organic berries are. I don't even rinse them, just pop them in and close my eyes and enjoy. Now I'll have enough to give Mia and Andrew a jar for a wedding present in February, when summer is a distant memory. It will certainly sweeten their kisses!
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