What the heck happened? It's reeeaally hot and very, very sticky today. The predicted rain came and we climbed up to the hay mow to watch the storm. No storm, just a short shower. It's still fun to see the sheep and goats run down the hill in a line to get back into the barn. Good sheep, good sheep! Bluefaced Leicester wool LOVES to FELT on the back of the sheep in weather just like this. I'm trying to get Big Jim Baldwin over here to shear the 20 or so, including lambs, who need it. Anyway, Luke and I came back inside to watch TV in front of the fans. Hannah has a little bit of a sore throat and doesn't want to make the climb down the gorge to the Secret Waterfall. Maybe we'll do the pond later. I'm flitting about, getting nothing done to speak of other than this chore or that. Luke and I got three big wheelbarrows of poop and hay out to the pile this morning before the real humidity hit. I better sit down and sew, which always pulls me together and makes me feel like I've accomplished something. I just got a message that I am in Plowshares, sponsored by the Syracuse Peace Festival again. That secures my shows for the fall. They are nicely spread out:
September: Colorscape, Norwich, NY Weekend after Labor Day
Fingerlakes Fiber Festival, Hemlock, NY, Week after that
Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival, Greenwich, NY, Week after that
October: NY State Sheep and Wool, Rhinebeck, NY
November: Free to get ready for Mia's Bridal Shower, Nov. 26, Morristown Hyatt, NJ
December: Plowshares, Nottingham High School, Syracuse, NY - First weekend
Delaware Riverkeeper Crafts Festival, Bristol. Pa. Weekend after that
Six shows, nicely spaced, all good ones for me. I'm learning not to overdo it for no good returns. I make everything I sell and can only make so much with a full time teaching job and all these animals. Time away from the farm is very, very precious.
If you need any help give me a shout -or if you need a barn sitter for Mia's shower :)
What a perfect white kitty! Are you making any diaper bags?
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