Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Morning With Velvet

As Matt was leaving for work he announced, some of the sheep got loose!, and there I was in my jammies, not ready to face any calamities that might happen where sheep and lousy fencing is involved. I threw some clothes on and ran outside to the picnic table area by the windows where the sheep were grazing, happily cutting my "lawn" for me. I decided to get one of the books Jan brought me and give myself a treat. I sat down at the picnic table to read. Well, that was the perfect invitation to little Monkey Face Velvet to join me. She wanted to know all about the book I was reading (one of the spooky ones about haunted houses, good for me to read that kind of book in the sunshine). She also wanted to eat my book. I kept gently nudging her away. It's hard to be annoyed at this little mass of black curls with blonde tips and big blue eyes that look like jewelry beads. I am absolutely entranced with her and am trying to enjoy her while she is little and cute. Celeste's baby, Babette, from last year is a big girl now and I can hardly spot her when she is running with the other black goats. I know someday Velvet will be a big girl and have kids of her own. Then she might look at me like, are you somebody I used to know? and go about the business of being a mother. So I let her help me read my book, and hope that Jan will understand the corner of the page bitten off (I have a feeling she will).

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