I've got to figure out how to get some sleep. For the last two nights I woke up in the wee hours. Couldn't get back to sleep for love or money. So much to do and need to feel good. Post traumatic stress from the move last summer maybe? Winter coming on. No hay in the mow. How to get the tractor out of hock. Catch the rams and bucks and get them seperated from the girls soon. Can I get enough soap made in time? Dyed fiber has to get out to a mill but they tell me there is a six week wait...too long to make the September shows. I wanted to make one hand bag a day but seem to spend more time cooking for Matt than sewing. Okay, no more coffee after lunch time and I'll drink camomile tea in the evening. What else? Try not to worry so much - it that possible? Work is great therapy, but if I don't get enough sleep I can't work as much. Maybe I will catch a nap midday if I'm lucky and the dogs don't bark or the sheep escape.
The Summer 2007 issue of Wild Fibers was in my post office box yesterday. What a gorgeous magazine. The photographs of New Zealand are stunning. I keep saying what a publishing genious that Linda Cortright is and I mean it.
Saw Matt off to work on the bathroom in Sherburne. The owner is a Long Islander who bought a cottage in the country. He's putting up tile in the shower, tedious work, and he always does a perfect job. The guy's got skills.
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