Just remembered I turned the hot water heater off when I left the house for work yesterday to save money. It's wash hair day and I won't have hot water - not fun. It takes a good half hour to heat up again. I braided my hair yesterday instead of washing it, but it can't go another day. I got two bags half done last night, real cute. Need to make more clay buttons, always fun if I have the colors I need. It's so easy with the Sculpey clay and people think it's just amazing. I'm trying to get a big skein of my pumpkin orange roving spun before Rhinebeck next weekend. It's a fabulous roving, so bright and cheery. My first inclination is to ply it with a dark, natural colored roving, for a tweedy effect, but I'm resisting. I don't want to diminish the orange color. So dark and dreary outside, hard to get moving. Tomorrow we have staff development at Norwich High School. No students, a free breakfast, and I get to hang with Robin all day. She's so cool, with two young daughters and PONIES!! Three day weekend coming up, lots to do before the big show. I don't have enough bags, but three more are half done and I'll do one per night until I pull out with the trailer. Rhinebeck comes once a year and I have to make the most of it. I have a big run of lavender soap to wrap, too, and another of clove bud. I have really pretty fabric for the clove and need to stop at the local Sew-Nice for some more tie-dyed purple quilt fabric for the lavender. I'm still a fabric junkie. I heard snow is forecast for next week. Rumors are flying. My wood stove needs a fan installed to keep smoke from coming in the room, a real problem last winter. If there is no wind outside it works perfectly, but any gusts fill the apartment with black smoke. Fortunately, many of my students wear the same aroma to school.
Hi Maggie! Had a thought with your buttons--If you get some cheap wooden disks (or biscuits), you can use the wood as a base for the Sculpey. You'll use less Sculpey and the buttons will be even less prone to breaking. You can cover all the wood, or leave the back open. You can predrill holes or drill them when the clay is soft.
I'm loving this bright fushia stuff you had at Hemlock -it spins up sooo gorgeously!!
Chanting no snow no snow!
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